Monday, November 28, 2011

Panda Cake, finalized Characters 01

Finalized characters for a digital children's book I'm working on. Translation of Rosalie's Seidler "Panda Cake"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Type Ideation, Version Worm

A slightly grotesque take on type, again just playing with forms. There are a lot of cliche´s I'm struggling against with this idea, so I probably won't carry it too far in lieu of staying original, or at least trying. The 'C' is my favorite.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Liquid Images

In attempts to broden my skills at CSS, I've been messing around with various styes I've come across, or giving myself chalenges to figure out. I recently found this awesome tutorial. Basic knowledge of CSS  is needed of course, but very easy to follow.

To auto fit images to windows. Its real smooth, I so need to find more ways to use it. Yeah, I'm easily impressed with cheap CSS tricks, but oh well.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Totally sweet Meomi is perhaps one of the coolest sites I've stumbled upon recently. At first I was all, like "Woah! awesome use of illustration!" then I moved my cursor over various parts, just about everything is interactive. Tip of the hat to the people of Meomi, truly awesome site.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shower Font

No material going to waste, the start of a type face made out of hair shed when I wash my hair. 

Another In-progress

Another in-progress, I have to re-work and then color the hands, touch up the eyes & perhaps add tired bags under.

Yes, this is my all-nighter uniform, over-sized sweater and leggings. just missing my coffee<3<3<3

Hand References

References I've been using for drawing hands, that and having my friends pose for me. Hands are one of those things I've never truly got down pat, but I'm working on it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cesc Grané

Interesting artist fast becoming one of my favorites to follow. Cesc Grané his illustrations are an awesome blend of 3D mentality and 2D execution

Oh, hello

'Nother random little thing I started.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Playing With Letter Forms

Playing with different letter forms. I like were it is going, don't know if I'll continue with the whole alphabet or not. I wanna try and apply this to something.

Little Kate

Just some little Illustrator "doodles", more practice in "drawing" vector illustrations straight into the computer.